Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

Christingles with Pilgrim Academy

Last week, children from The Pond of Possibilities and Lake of Learning went to visit St Andrews Church in Immingham for their Christingle service.

Parents were invited to join the children and Reverend Julie Donn, who led the service, to discuss and celebrate the story of the birth of Jesus. Reverend Julie also came to into school to deliver Tadpole’s Christingle service, which parents described as ‘magical’.

During the day, all the children were taught about how and why we make Christingles to symbolise Jesus at Christmas time. The orange represents the world, the red tape around the centre is the blood and love of Christ, the dried fruit represents the 4 seasons of food and gods creations and the candle shows Jesus’ light to the world and brings hope to all people.

Christingle is a celebration to bring families and communities together and is now a fundraiser for The Children’s Society Charity.

Reverend Julie explained to the large congregation about the Advent Candles that are lit every Sunday, symbolising hope, faith, joy and peace. The final candle is lit on Christmas Eve to represent the birth of Christ. The children sang songs from their up-coming Christmas performances and finally lit the candles on their Christingles creating a magical glow inside the church. Parents commented on what a lovely service it was and how they were proud to celebrate in the church with the children and the community.

We thank Reverend Julie for welcoming us all into St Andrews Church and her heart-warming service.