Proud to be a member of the
Lincolnshire Gateway Academies Trust

A Day at Normanby Hall

Year 5 and 6 had a fantastic time deepening their knowledge of the Victorian era.

They spent a full day at Normanby Hall Country Park in Scunthorpe taking part in two hands-on workshop experiences.

Firstly, the children took part in Domestic Staff Required.

They met Mrs Harding, the housekeeper at the Hall, who took them on a tour of the ‘Big House’ and allowed the children to handle artefacts and understand what it takes to become a Victorian domestic servant.

Mrs Ireson, Year 6 teacher, commented: "This kind of trip is just what our pupils needed.

They have now truly experienced what it was like to work in the mid 1800s."

In the afternoon, pupils moved onto rag rugging where they turned an old potato sack into a colourful Victorian rug by using old, no longer needed bits of material.

The day was finished off with kneading ‘bread dough’ into traditional Victorian bread shapes; using methods that household cooks would have done at the time.

Blue Whales pupil, Lexi Allen said: “For our English lessons have been reading Street Child by Berlie Doherty.

We all now really understand what the characters in the book experienced.

My imagination has really come to light!”